The Lost Letter by Mimi Matthews #BookReview #HistoricalRomance #VictorianRomance #Romance #TheLostLetter

My Rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Book Review

Mimi Mathews has a distinct quality in her writing, I have read a couple of works by the author and the primary feeling she leaves me with is I would say ‘contentment.’ There is a sense of fullness after reading the last page in her stories which is kinda necessary when all other things in your life are going bonkers and you need this escape.

Sylvia Stafford was a stunning debutante wooed and pursued by many when her father’s suicide wrecks havoc and changes her circumstances. The author has characterized Sylvia wonderfully, there is no dramatics or over-the-top emotional scenes, but Sylvia’s sensible and steady approach to life and moving forward with her changed status was felt in spades. The subtlety is what the author excels at always and in this too, she has done a marvelous job.

Sylvia’s arrival into the life of Colonel Sebastian and the second chance should have been an easy one but of course, the hero has his own scars to overcome and there are a lot of misunderstandings to be cleared up before the HEA can be achieved. Even though the second chance has its own share of miscommunication and assumptions which I was not too keen on, I was happy about Sylvia’s decision to not put herself thru any more misery for anyone and thereby return to her job as a governess and Sebastian’s apology at the end was nicely done.

I loved the author’s attention to detail of the era and the meddling sister so full of love and quirkiness was a lovely touch.

Book Blurb


Society beauty Sylvia Stafford is far too pragmatic to pine. When the tragic death of her gamester father leaves her destitute and alone, she finds work as a governess in a merchant’s household in Cheapside. Isolated from the fashionable acquaintance of her youth, she resigns herself to lonely spinsterhood until a mysterious visitor convinces her to temporarily return to her former life–and her former love.


Colonel Sebastian Conrad is no longer the dashing cavalry officer Sylvia once fell in love with. Badly scarred during the Sepoy Rebellion, he has withdrawn to his estate in rural Hertfordshire where he lives in near complete seclusion. Brooding and tormented, he cares nothing for the earldom he has inherited–and even less for the faithless beauty who rejected him three years before.


A week together in the remote Victorian countryside is the last thing either of them ever wanted. But when fate intervenes to reunite them, will a beastly earl and an impoverished beauty finally find their happily-ever-after? Or are some fairy-tale endings simply not meant to be?

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